From June on, you can watch The Boys season on Prime Video.
Finally, we know when The Boys Season 4 will come out: June 13. Our favorite superhero show on Prime Video, which has won awards and is rated R, will be back before we know it.
We also can’t wait. You should watch The Boys if you like funny superhero movies. Prime Video became known as one of the best video services in the world because of it. We’re sure that season 4 of the hit show will be the best yet after the exciting ending of the third season and the way that the college-based spin-off show Gen V set things up.
What do we know about one of the best Prime Video shows coming back? This guide has all the official news you need to know about the movie, along with any likely rumors. It includes the first trailer, the known cast list so far, possible plots, and more.

As was already said, season 4 of The Boys will come out on June 13. It was found online in December 2023 that this was the same date. Thanks to Reddit for the tip.
Not long ago, we only knew that season 4 of The Boys would be available on Prime Video in 2024. That news came out in late 2023, 18 months after Amazon gave the go-ahead for The Boys Season 4.
The Amazon-created show’s return is coming up in less than four months, so on February 23, showrunner Eric Kripke went on X/Twitter to report on how post-production was going. To put it simply: really well.
Update on the making of #TheBoys! Finishing up the last two episodes. It has music, a few VFX shots, and mixed sounds. Then @PrimeVideo dubs them into a gazillion languages so they can be shown all over the world. This process takes a few months. Then, on June 13, it will be brought to your door hot and fresh! In August 2022 and February 2023, @TheBoysTV Kripke also announced the names of season 4, episode 1, and season 4, episode 8. We won’t give anything away here, but you can read about what we think they mean in terms of plot in our part on story speculation.
The Boys Season 4’s first video, which was shown at CCXP 2023 in Brazil, is a total banger. There’s a lot in this 60-second clip. It hints at a new Supes to give you an idea of what it shows. Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s mystery character, and a fan-made fight between Homelander and Starlight.
After seeing the preview, I see there’s a lot more to look forward to. Watch it right away, and then read our plot part to learn more about what it might tell us about the following season.

Here are the major plot points for season 3 of The Boys.
So far, these people have been cast in The Boys season 4:
- He played William “Billy” Butcher.
- Jack Quaid plays Hugh “Hughie” Campbell.
- Annie January/Starlight, played by Erin Moriarty
- Homelander, played by Anthony Starr
- Laz Alonso as Milk for Mother
- As Frenchie, Tomer Capone
- Kimiko Miyashiro is played by Karen Fukuhara.
- It’s Jessie T. Usher as A-Train
- Chace Crawford plays “The Deep.”
- Ashley Barrett, played by Colby Minifie
- As Black Noir, Nathan Mitchell
- Victoria Neuman, played by Claudia Doumit
- Chris Cameron as Ryan Butcher
- James Marsters as Hugh Campbell Sr.
- Firecracker, played by Valorie Curry
- Sister Sage, played by Susan Heyward
- Name of Jeffrey Dean Morgan as TBA
All eleven of the first stars are back in their roles. All of them played parts in the first three seasons.
Mitchell is the only one who doesn’t seem to belong because Homelander killed his superhero alter ego, Black Noir, at the end of The Boys’ third season. Kripke did, however, hint to Entertainment Weekly (EW) that Mitchell would be back as Black Noir 2.0, which the first trailer proved.
As Neuman, Doumit is also back. In the last episode of season 3, Neuman joined Robert Singer as his running mate for the next US election.. She played an essential role in Gen V season 1 (more on that later), so she’ll also play a significant role in season 4. Zoe, her daughter, played by Olivia Morandin, looked like she would also be in the new movie.
According to The Boys’ official Instagram account, Crovetti has also been moved to series regular. He had small parts in seasons 2 and 3. Simon Pegg will also play Hughie’s dad in a small role.
Suzanne Heyward (Orange Is the New Black) and Valorie Curry (Veronica Mars) play essential parts in the show as Firecracker and Sister Sage, Jr. These two are now part of the Seven, which Starr’s Homelander leads. The Seven is the world’s best superhero group.. The show is based on a set of comic books written by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson. However, neither character is in the books, so it’s not clear how they’ll fit in.
Sage is right here. You’re a thousand steps behind her. The Flame of Firecracker is too short, let’s say. For a picture, look at this tweet: 10, 2022, Tuesday.
Here is the original plot summary for season 4 of The Boys: “The world is about to end in season 4.” More than ever, Victoria Neuman is close to the Oval Office, and Homelander is tightening his grip on power over her. Butcher has lost both Becca’s son and his job as head of The Boys. He only has a few months to live. The other people on the team are sick of hearing him lie. Anything could happen, so they need to save the world as soon as possible.
The ending of season 3 and other hints from the cast and team of that season have First, the facts won’t give anything away. From gore, sex, and hysterically funny points of view, The Boys is known for being a TV show that pushes the limits. It sounds like season 4 will be the same.
What A-T rain’s actor, Jessie T. Usher, told Collider: “The level of violence in season 4 was a surprise to everyone.” Also, Kripke wrote that there is a ridiculous scene in season 4 that is “easily a top 5 moment” for him. Stephan Fleet, the producer, agreed with Kripke that it has a scene that is “the most disgusting thing I have seen working in this business thus far.”
The first one will be Homelander. Ryan, the crazy head of the Seven, was last seen being cared for by him after the fight between Homelander, the Boys, and Soldier Boy. People at a political event throw a drink at Ryan when Homelander brutally kills a Starlight fan, and the crowd cheers. The scary things that are about to happen are shown by the smiles on Homelander and Ryan’s faces.
Is Homelander about to promote Ryan and replace him with someone just as bad and crazy? In an interview with IGN, Kripke wouldn’t say, but he did imply that it might affect Ryan’s tense relationship with Billy. Remember that Homelander has a child with Billy’s late ex-wife, Becca. His name is Ryan. Billy told Becca, who was dying that he would watch over Ryan while she left at the end of season 2. However, as season 3 goes on, Billy and Ryan grow apart. Ryan turns down Billy and joins Homelander because of this.
That means Billy and Homelander should fight over Ryan’s soul in Season 4. There may be a Homelander on Billy’s team who can fight his superpowered father. They could run the US and maybe even the rest of the world like a dictatorship if Homelander wins.
In season 4, Ryan won’t be Homelander’s only tool. Along with himself, The Deep, and A-Train, he is still in charge of the Seven, though A-Train and Homelander have begun to see through his act. Sister Sage, Firecracker, and Black Noir 2.0 will join the Seven next season. They will be the “most popular” superhero team in the world once more.
But Homelander has some problems to deal with. Gen V season 1 showed that he will have to go to court for killing the Starlight fan described above. Also, the spin-off of “The Boys” proved that there is a virus that can kill Superman, and Victoria Neuman now has it. Billy knows about the virus, as shown by Gen V and the X/Twitter post below (which also has some critical story and timing details). He might try to steal it and use it to kill all the Supers in the world. Sure, as long as he can find a way to protect Ryan from it (remember, he still wants to keep his word to Becca to do that).
Here’s what we know about Season 4 so far while you wait for 2024…This story takes place about one month after the events of the last episode of @genv.- The butcher knows about the virus. You can do whatever you want with that little piece of information.- Homelander will be tried for lasering… Here’s a picture on Twitter: 8, 2023
Bill has to hurry up when we talk about him. He became hooked on V24 in season 3. Vought made it a trial, and it gives its users strength for 24 hours. It’s too bad that V24 gives its owner a terrible kind of cancer. In simple terms, Billy only has 12 to 18 months left to live. He lies to no one else in the group like he always does, which is terrible because it will cause problems.
But we’ll talk about that after this. As we move into season 4, Billy has two main goals: to stop Neuman and solve the Homelander and Ryan problem, which we’ve already talked about.
Neuman was revealed to be a hidden Supe in the last episode of season 2, and he has the power to blow people up. Neuman hired Hughie after the Boys broke up in the last episode of season 2. In season 3, Hughie learns about this, looks into her past, and finds out that Neuman is the adopted daughter of former Vought CEO Stan Edgar. Neuman used his help to get to the top of the political world before she crossed Edgar in season 3.
Jeff Dean Morgan has been chosen to be in season 4 of The Boys.. This comes right after he played Negan on AMC’s TV version of The Walking Dead, which people loved and hated. There are only a few glimpses of him in the trailer, and we still don’t know who he plays.
We’re not going to tell you anything else besides the fact that he wears a suit and swears like a pirate. Twitter: @OTeRE8k1U7The second of December 2023
Hughie’s mom (name TBA) will be played by Rosemarie DeWitt (La La Land, Stand-Off). People who want Jensen Ackles to come back as Soldier Boy will have to wait (we’ll talk more about why in the next part). He is excited to play Homelander’s dad again, though, and is known as a human-based weapon of mass destruction. After his dream-based debut in Gen V, we can’t wait for the fan-favorite to come back as much as Ackles can.
Finally, given how Gen V finished, some of the young Supes may join the main show. To learn more about that, read our story about how the first season of Gen V ended. Also, Kripke has already hinted that Tek Knight might be in the next episode of the main show; he made his live-action start in Gen V season 1. This makes us think that Supes, a student from Gen V, and other characters will join the main show’s ensemble cast.

They got sidetracked by more important things, like Homelander and Soldier Boy, during season 3. A lot was going on. Neuman was able to join the campaign of “Dakota Bob,” or Robert Singer, for president of the United States. He then became Singer’s running mate. You know, after Homelander had Lamar Bishop, Singer’s old running mate for vice president, killed by The Deep.
They find out that she seems to be working for Homelander in the last scene of season 3. This makes Billy think that the next person they should go after is Neuman. The group is expected to go after Neuman in the last episode of season 4, which is called “Assassination Run.”
“I don’t think it’s much of a spoiler to say that we’re definitely working towards a Dakota Bob presidency with Neuman as a secret Vought plant in the vice presidency and all the complications that ensue from that,” Kripke said. “That was clearly Garth’s [Ennis] most important ending story.” That’s not a surprise once more. “You’ve seen us move the chess pieces there so we can begin telling that story.”
Billy and his friends can now use more than just Kimiko, who has superpowers. One thing they could do is free Gen V students Supes Marie, Andre, Jordan, and Emma, who were locked up at the end of the first season of the spin-off, and get them to join their cause, especially since Homelander put them there. Since he knows Billy, Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s secret character might also be on their side.
Annie January/Starlight (Erin Moriarty), who betrayed the Seven and joined Billy’s team at the end of season 3, is the best new member. She is the group’s first female Supe, which makes things more even.
Starlight will still have plans for season 4, though., though. Homelander killed one of Annie’s fans so that she might be after him even more than before, no matter what.
Let’s go over what we know again now that the S4 preview is out.- Homelander is on trial and taking a class on splatter painting at the same time. There is one truth in that list.- Butcher only has six months to live, and he still knows that Godolkin is cooking up that virus.– Neuman is nearer… Here is a tweet with a picture of PDsASYhkdS: Thursday, December 4, 2023
The growing fight between the two was one of the most interesting side stories in season 3 of The Boys. They’ll definitely be fighting again in season 4. Kripke (per Variety) says she will learn how to control her flying ability, just like she does in the books.
What about Soldier Boy? The FBI put Ackles’ nuclear-powered human weapon back on hold after the epic fight at the end of season 3. In that case, he’ll probably stay there until Homelander or The Boys really need him to fight for their cause.
In season 4, A lot of the stories in Ennis and Robertson’s comic book line can be used by the Boys. But we won’t say what they are. Kripke has said everything. He told Insider that Homelander’s sneaky win of The Boys season 4 shouldn’t worry fans, nor should they worry about the show’s central plot.
He told her, “The story isn’t over.” “I swear to you right now that Homelander will not win this thing. I promise to do that.

A fifth season of The Boys has not been picked up, but Kripke has said that the fourth season will not be the last one. There will be more seasons of The Boys as long as people like it, which we think they will.
Gen V is also coming back for a second season, as shown in the above X/Twitter post and an Amazon Studios news release. Gen V’s second season will come right after season 4 of The Boys. This means that events from the main show will affect the live-action spin-off.
Also, Seth Rogen, the executive producer of The Boys, wants Amazon to make a second season of The Boys Presents Diabolical, the show’s other spin-off that started in March 2022. Rogen told Collider that Amazon had bought some ideas for a second season of the cartoon collection show. But it’s not clear if these plans will come true.
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