Welcome to Metro Tech High School, an A+ institute of Excellence. Here, you can find out about our 19 Career and Technical Education classes and our academic, athletic, artistic, and performing arts programs. As a school focusing on college and careers, we offer a world-class education with highly trained teachers and a hardworking team. Whether they go to college or get a job after high school, students can prepare for life by going to school every day, doing well, and taking hard classes. The Knight SHIELD lets us do everything daily with HONOR, INTEGRITY, EMPATHY, and LEADERSHIP.
The Phoenix, Arizona, area has a high school called Metro Tech High School. The Phoenix Union, High School District includes it.
Of course! In 2024, let’s look at Metro Tech High School:
Metro Tech High School is in Phoenix, Arizona, and is part of the Phoenix Union High School District1. But I see that you’re in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. It’s fun to learn about schools in other parts of the world!
Signing up and getting in:
For the 2024–2025 school year, Metro Tech High School is now taking applications from 9th graders who want to attend. First-come, first-served admissions are not used; instead, entries are based on a carefully graded rubric. If there are more suitable applicants than spots available, there will be a lottery to choose which students will be accepted. Remember that getting in isn’t a given.
You can call Ms. Jessica Bollinger at (602) 764-8002 if you have any questions or want to know more about Metro Tech High School.
How Well You Do in School:
Metro Tech High School has a 38% engagement rate in AP®, which means that many students take tests and lessons for Advanced Placement®.
The school has a diverse student group, as shown by the fact that 98% of its students are minorities.About 90% of kids in this group are economically disadvantaged.
When it comes to all-around test results, Metro Tech High School is in the bottom half of all Arizona schools. In particular:
Math skills:
the bottom half of the group Skill level in reading: bottom half A state average of 32%34 kids in Arizona can do math well, but only 10–14% of students can do it well.
How they rank:
Rankings3 shows that Metro Tech High School is ranked #4,279 in the country. It’s also Arizona’s 54th-best high school.
Metro Tech High School is an interesting place to go to school because it values diversity and focuses on Advanced Placement® classes. Feel free to ask if you have any more questions or need more information!
History Of Metro Tech High School
Before the closing of West High School back in 1983, this school wasOf there. When it opened in 1985, it was called Metro Tech Vocational Institute. In 1999, when the school changed from a trade school that taught only basic work skills to a high school that teaches everything, it got its current name.
Phoenix, Arizona’s Metro Tech High School, is a public high school. Let’s learn more about its past and other interesting facts:
Setting up and changing the name:
The school was built on the site of West High School, which closed in 1983.
It was first called Metro Tech Vocational Institute when it opened in 1985.
In 1999, it changed from a vocational school that focused on entry-level work skills to a general high school, which is its current name.
Number of students:
Metro Tech High School had 1,797 students in the 2017-2018 school year.
A little over 96.5% of the students are classified as “Hispanic”2.
About 95% of students graduate from the school, and 94.8% of students show up every day.
One or more of the 20 Career and Technical Education classes at the school must be completed by all students.
Metro Tech’s request to become a full member of the Arizona Interscholastic Association was granted in January 2016. The school’s teams played in the 4A Region 2 tier from 2016 to 2018.
The population of students:
There were 1,797 kids there during the 2017-2018 school year. 96.5% of the school’s students are described as “Hispanic” as their race.
In 2017, 94.8% of students went to school, and 95% finished. Every school student must finish at least one of the 20 Career and Technical Education classes.
Sports activities at Metro Tech School:
In January 2016, the executive board of the Arizona Interscholastic Association said that Metro Tech could join as a full member. During the years between 2016 and 2018, the high school’s team participates in the 4A Region 2 level against teams from Cactus, Greenway, Moon Valley, Peoria, and Sunrise Mountain high schools.
Metro Tech High School in a nutshell:
Metro Tech High School is the 54th-best high school in Arizona. Students can take advanced Placement® classes and tests. There are 34% of AP® classes at Metro Tech High School. 99% of the kids are from groups that aren’t the majority. One of the 18 high schools in the Phoenix Union High School District is Metro Tech High School.
Ranks for Metro Tech High School in 2022:
Metro Tech High School is ranked 3,187th out of all the schools in the country. Schools are rated based on how well their students do on state-mandated tests, how many finish, and how well they are prepared for college.